It is the communal space par excellence in a convent. In this room the monastic community met daily for the communal meal, consecrated by silently listening to the sacred scripture, read in turn by one of the brothers.
It is the communal space par excellence in a convent. In this room the monastic community met daily for the communal meal, consecrated by silently listening to the sacred scripture, read in turn by one of the brothers.
On the western portion of the monastic complex there is a large longitudinal body intended to be used as a refectory and chapter house. It is characterised by a barrel vault and a series of hanging ribs on corbels and robust transversal arches, with a quadrangular section. The latter have an irregular arrangement and were probably installed at different times as reinforcing elements for the vault. Inside the refectory, during the restoration carried out between 1985 and 1993, a fresco with a scene of the Crucifixion came to light, which represents Christ on the cross, Mary Magdalene, Saint John and Saint Benedict. The fresco was covered by layers of lime-based whitewash and by signs of fumigation, the latter caused by a large fireplace installed in the refectory when the entire complex was subsequently used as a farmhouse.
In the entrance hall facing the refectory one finds the foot of a staircase leading to the upper floor of the abbey.
What to see
A large space, characterised by arches and various interesting details that tell its story. Indeed, in addition to the wall art element decorating one of the lintels, the famous fresco of the crucifixion, one can see two ancient wells used by the monks for the water supply, the pantry in which they kept their crockery and the large fireplace used to heat the room. the latter probably made in a later period.
Under the soot, after many essays, this fresco emerged: a unique crucifix, since we have never found other similar iconography
The crucifixion
Under the soot, after many essays, this fresco emerged: a unique crucifix, since we have never found other similar iconography
The pantry
The archaeological excavation of 2016, which involved the monastery, made it possible to find, specifically in the refectory, the fragmentary remains of crockery probably used by the monastic community. These are specimens of bowls (glazed painted ceramics), of fine workmanship, with geometric decorative motifs in red, brown and green colours datable to the 14th-15th century. Other exhibited finds from these excavations are a bronze spoon and the remains of a glass lamp and an example of a ceramic candle holder. Moreover, the archaeological investigations have made it possible to detect the presence of the remains of a room with a floor made of square paving stones, with clear traces of burning, belonging to the kitchen of the refectory.
Santa Maria della Giustizia and its monks